Dear Proton Community,. I am writing to you today with a proposal that has the potential to take Proton to new heights.

08 Feb 2023, 03:18
Dear Proton Community, I am writing to you today with a proposal that has the potential to take Proton to new heights. Our blockchain has all the qualities that make it stand out - decentralization, security, regulatory compliance, and the ability to adapt to the community's will. After extensive discussions with our developers, block producers, and partners, I have put together a proposal titled "A Phoenix Rises." This proposal outlines a bold vision for Proton's future and the steps we need to take to get there. I am confident that with your support, we can make this vision a reality. I invite you to read "A Phoenix Rises" and share your thoughts with me. Your feedback is invaluable in shaping Proton's future, and I look forward to hearing from you. Together, we can make Proton the blockchain that leads the path for a new internet. The Proposal: The msig: